Fearless Fighting for Families

Dan Baldwin • January 31, 2024
a woman is on the cover of the orange county attorney journal


Lauren Johnson-Norris 

CPS Law Group

19200 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 600

Irvine, California 92612

Phone: (949) 622-5522

Fax: (949) 622-5511


"Lauren Johnson is the most outstanding, exceptional, and accommodating attorney I have ever had the honor and privilege to encounter. Her empathy, compassion, insight, and professionalism are unrivaled. When I found myself in an extremely vulnerable and traumatic situation, Lauren completely put me at ease, alleviating my panic, anxiety and fear. She is gentle, yet fiercely precise and laser sharp. She took an extraordinary amount of time to ask such probing questions, leading to amazing revelations as to the nature of my situation. She is a "Tour de Force" and I know that I am in the most capable hands. My experience with her, and her phenomenal assistant has truly been life altering. This is, hands down, the best investment I have ever made. After all... the price of freedom is priceless! I am profoundly grateful, for her, and to her...” —J. M. 

Satisfied clients are the best references for an attorney and Lauren Johnson-Norris, Founder and Head Attorney of Johnson Criminal Law Group, APLC and CPS Law Group, has earned her share of heart-felt praise. Her small firm, six employees, has earned a big reputation for protecting the rights of families at a time when parents’ rights are being challenged. The firm’s primary practice areas are Child Protective Services (CPS) defense, criminal defense, DUI, DUID, juvenile crimes, drug crime defense, Orange County domestic violence cases, and restraining orders. 

With nearly 20 years of experience defending clients in juvenile cases, Johnson-Norris has also established herself as the leading advocate in the field of CPS and juvenile dependency law in California. She and her team have proven so successful in this arena that the firm is launching a new division focusing completely on supporting parents in CPS cases. They will continue with their other practice areas, but the new group is a distinct focus to serve a growing need in the state that effects citizens now and for generations to come. 

Johnson-Norris is passionate about meeting the needs of her clients, who are often facing the fight of their lives from a position that is disadvantaged and emotionally charged. “Few of us are equipped with the knowledge of our rights until they are called into question. Pairing inexperience and emotion can have catastrophic results with multi-generational consequences,” she says. Johnson-Norris believes that having a lawyer in a juvenile dependency case is essential. The right attorney provides legal expertise, represents and advocates for the child’s best interests, offers objective perspectives, facilitates negotiation and mediation, represents clients in court, and manages the case through to conclusion. “Our presence ensures that the parent and their family have a knowledgeable and dedicated advocate who can navigate the legal complexities and fight for their rights and well-being.”

Her published appellate wins include: In re Drake M (the court held that parents could lawfully use medical marijuana without their use being deemed child neglect); In re Pricilla D. (the court held that a parent can terminate a legal guardianship under the Welfare and Institutions Code); and In re D.P. (the court reversed an order terminating parental rights at Welfare and Institutions Code hearing.)

Lauren Johnson-Norris, Founder and Head Attorney

An Early Call to Action

Her determination to protect the rights of the families, and the under-served in the community stems from early experiences in which family members faced serious legal problems. She watched as those cases were mishandled by the attorneys representing her family, which then led to serious disruptions in family life. From the age of six, she knew what a lawyer was, how a lawyer was supposed to act, and how some lawyers carelessly did a disservice to their clients.

“I never had one of those ‘ah-ha’ moments where I decided to become an attorney. The decision came from an accumulation of experiences and a desire to see better outcomes. I always had a passion for justice and serving the most vulnerable individual people and families. It’s a part of my nature,” Johnson-Norris says.

A short-list of successful efforts for her CPS clients illustrates not only her level of expertise, but also that of her commitment to her clients, their children, and the stability of the family. Johnson-Norris has: 

  • Successfully reunited a family by advocating for the return of children to their parents’ custody after thorough investigation and evidence presentation; 

  • Obtained a dismissal of a CPS case based on lack of evidence and procedural errors, ensuring the preservation of the family’s rights and reputation; 

  • Secured a favorable outcome for a client by negotiating a voluntary agreement with CPS, allowing the children to remain at home under supervision while the parents received necessary support and services; 

  • Achieved a reunification order on the first court appearance, enabling the children to return home promptly and minimizing the disruption to their lives and family dynamics; 

  • Successfully defended a client against false allegations of abuse or neglect, leading to a complete closure of the CPS investigation and the preservation of the family unit; 
  • Assisted a client in obtaining custody of their child after intervention from CPS, ensuring the child’s safety and well-being while preserving the parent-child bond;
  • Advocated for the termination of a false and malicious CPS report, protecting the client’s reputation and preventing further unwarranted investigations; 

  • Secured a favorable resolution by negotiating a case plan that allowed the parents to address concerns raised by CPS while keeping the family intact; 

  • Successfully appealed a decision by CPS, resulting in the overturning of a removal order and the immediate return of the children to their parents’ care; 

  • Obtained a favorable outcome for a client by challenging the validity of the initial CPS investigation, leading to the closure of the case without any adverse consequences for the family; 

  • Represented a client in a complex CPS hearing, resulting in a favorable ruling that allowed the children to remain with their parents while receiving necessary support services; and 

  • Successfully defended a client against allegations of substance abuse, mental health issues, and domestic violence, leading to the dismissal of the CPS case and the preservation of the family’s rights and integrity.

Lauren Johnson-Norris, Founder and Head Attorney.

A Shock to the System from the System

As an undergraduate, Johnson-Norris tutored young people at the California Youth Authority, where she was shocked to see children who were essentially warehoused. Seeing very young children in that situation was especially moving. “I really felt it just wasn't right for so many kids to be housed that way just because they were so little. When I went to law school, I thought I would represent children and do that kind of work,” she says.

Two more experiences helped to further motivate her move to criminal defense and CPS defense law. In law school, she was an intern at the Criminal Defense Division of Legal Aid where she worked with adults. She soon realized that many of the adults were just those same “warehoused” children grown up. 

A second awakening came when she was assigned to work on dependency cases as a public defender. Everything came full circle for her because she saw a whole person, their whole family, and their circumstances come together in a CPS/juvenile dependency case. She found herself involved with not just one person accused of a crime but that person’s family.

Johnson-Norris recognized not only the value she could provide these individuals, young or old, to achieve the best outcomes regardless of their circumstances, but could uniquely identify with their experiences and their potential.

Her practice in those courts exposed her to the different sides of a client’s life, their families, their childhoods, and all the things that led them to where they ended up needing help in the courts. “This was the perfect fit for me. I could really help, really get something done, in that world. And I was good at it. It was really natural for me. I understood the law intuitively in a way that a lot of lawyers don't. They fail to grapple with the balance of all the different interests at one time. I really understand the full spectrum of what these clients face, and what the consequences can be,” she says. 

“Ms. Johnson-Norris was ABSOLUTELY amazing. She took the time to listen to me, was very understanding with my situation, guided me through the whole process the entire way. She went to court for me so I didn't have to miss work as well, which was a huge help especially as a single mother. I was initially overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, not knowing anything about how the legal system works and what I was facing. Ms. Johnson-Norris took care of everything for me and was able to help me fight my case. I now am able to live each day without fear of losing everything, going to jail and being away from my children. I will recommend Ms. Johnson-Norris to anyone seeking an amazing attorney who truly cares about their clients. THANK YOU Ms. Johnson-Norris!”

A Step and then a Leap into the Unknown

Johnson-Norris served in the Public Defender’s Office until 2009 when she decided to open her own firm. She began small—in her kitchen on a shoestring with no savings, but with an overwhelming drive to succeed and desire to serve. “If you don’t have a ‘safety net,’ when there’s nothing to fall back on, you really need a strong work ethic. You can’t just want to be an attorney; you have to love being an attorney,” she says. 

Today, the firm occupies multiple suites staffed by attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, and law clerks from undergraduates to law students. She staffs the firm by seeking out people interested specifically in her practice areas and who display the attitudes of a caring professional. She is available any time members of the firm need her, but she doesn’t micromanage. She says, “I'm as available as they want me to be, but I also want them to work very independently. Because otherwise, it doesn't work. It can’t.”

Johnson-Norris thrives on being able to help strengthen a family and knowing that the work she does has a positive impact not just on the parents and family, but on generations to come. She believes her work helps struggling families break the cycles of violence or substance abuse, and the emotional challenges that hammer so many families. “It’s like a pebble reverberating in a pond. We can affect the future by helping people learn new parenting skills and navigate the challenges they face today. Those victories today ripple out and into a better future.”

Johnson-Norris is known for her professionalism, knowledge, advocacy, and results amongst judges and amongst adversaries. She believes at the core of her success, and that of her firm, is the unwillingness to take a “cookie cutter” approach to her cases. “We don't just go through the motions; we really find out what is going on with this family. How can we help this family. We brainstorm all creative solutions. I'm very involved, hands on with the client, because I want the client to come out of the situation better than they came in.” 

Outside of the office, Johnson-Norris sets appropriate boundaries to maintain a balance between work and personal time to “recharge my batteries,” and reconnect with her family on weekends and vacations. She enjoys regular date nights with her husband. She has an intense and long-time love of animals of all kinds, which partially explains why she has been a vegetarian since she was 12 years old. She recognizes the lifelong impact of family and strives to ensure children have the best possible chance for building a successful life of their own.

Johnson-Norris says, “I take the work personally because I want the work I do to be a reflection on the world. I am committed to helping these families. That's my mission. And it's my passion. The feedback we get as a result shows that we're doing that.” 

» Education

  • J.D., Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 2003
  • Awarded Archie A. Gorfinkle Award for Most Outstanding Graduate Entering the Field of Criminal Defense
  • B.A. Sociology, Pitzer College
  • Gerry Spence’s Western Trial Advocacy Institute, 2007

» Bar Admissions

  • California
  • District of Columbia

» Professional Development

  • Psychology courses and Parent Education Certificate
  • Fair Housing Council Alternative Dispute
    Resolution Certificate


  • Paul Bell Memorial Fellowship
  • Outstanding Supporter of Prevention
  • Assembly District 74 Woman of Distinction

» Community Leadership

  • Commissioner, Orange County Human Relations Commission (2023-Present)
  • Volunteer Arbitrator, Orange County Bar Association Mandatory Fee Arbitration Program (2016-Present)
  • Irvine Finance Commissioner and Irvine Investment Advisory Board (2021-2022)
  • Irvine Community Services Commissioner and Irvine Children Youth and Family Advisory Committee (2012-2020)
  • Committee Member, Orange County Bar Association Mentoring Committee (2015-2016)
  • President, South Orange County Bar Association and subordinate Board Positions (2012-2016)
  • Deputy Public Defender III, Orange County (2004-2009)
  • Board of Directors, Orange County Women
    Lawyers Association
  • Handled more than 600 appeals

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